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$12,500 7'x8' pond


  • Consists of a liner pond with skimmer, autofill, 7'x8', bottom drain, variable speed pump, Micro K1 filter, UV light, black concrete shell, and 24" ht waterfall. 1,500 gallon goldfish pond.

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$55,000 pond construction


  • Consists of a liner pond with skimmer, autofill, 3-bottom drains, 1-variable speed pump, drum filter, bakki shower filter, 2-UV lights, black concrete shell with 36" Ht. waterfall. 10,000 gallon koi pond.

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$85,000 pond construction


  • Consists of a steel rebar and shotcrete shell, skimmer, 2-bottom drains, autofill, 2- Micro K1 filters, UV light, variable speed pump, 24" Ht. waterfall, and 3- pool lights. 20,000 gallon koi pond. Permit and engineering. Note: this is a shotcrete pond and requires a city permit.

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$900,000 pond construction


  • Consists of a rebar and shotcrete pond, 8' deep with large underwater window, 4-skimmers, 10-bottom drains, autofill, Japanese matting filter chamber, 6-Ultima filters, 7- variable speed pumps, 5-UV lights, Ozone generator, and permit and engineering. 80,000 gallon pond. Note: this is a shotcrete pond and requires a city permit.

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